In the 1980s there was a soda released by Pepsi called Pepsi crystal clear. Pepsi came out with a soda that was virtually cleared with no colors at all, a transparent soda. This was a great success for Pepsi due to its uniqueness. As Pepsi progressed with its transparent soda Coke Cocola also decided to make its own transparent soda with less success. The two began competing with each other to see who will grab the market with its soda. Coke denies that it tried to steal the market away from Pepsi but it was obvious that they were from the beginning. There was also a myth that the transparent product that Coke produced had such a disgusting flavored that it brought to attention to many that transparent soda were not tasty. This planned worked very well because Coke was the big boss of the soda business where as Pepsi is it's long time competitor. As Coke's transparent soda slowly became less and less popular, so did Pepsi's crystal clear soda. This shows that even though Pepsi had a successful product, it did not had control over the market and influence that Coke has making Pepsi the fighter that lost the battle with the big boss.
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