Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Racism in Advertisement

Through out the years, America has become one of the world's largest consumers around the world. To keep up with one of the world's largest consumer country, companies must successfully advertise if they want their product to be popular. But through the years of advertisement there has been many different forms of racism stereotyping used in ads and even till today.
I believe that racial stereotyping in certain commercials are accepted as long as it is under control and non offensive to the racial community. It is not right to have racial stereotyping in ads but if they are unoffensive then it might be ok. An example would be a quote from a website explaining in better details of why there is racial stereotyping in the first place "Not all stereotyping is bad. Stereotyping arises out of the need to generalize in order to make sense out of a very complicated environment. It allows people to easily categorize new things into comfortable spaces already defined by their experiences" web. A bad use of racial stereotyping would be the banned commercial from Pepsi advertising mountain dew

This ad was supposed to be an ad about the addictiveness of mountain dew but it turned into an ad portraying the violent nature of black individuals who end up at screening at police stations.

Racist advertisement is still an ongoing thing even till today but though it is much more under control where once it hits the public, there is still a chance to take it down. Pepsi was one who had to pull down the commercial and wrote a letter of apology to the public after the racist commercial. 
Advertisers should have the responsibilities of keeping an ad from displaying any form of offensive stereotyping in their media ads. I believe that it is necessary for the advertiser to have responsibility to check on the ad before showing it to the public.

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